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24-Year-Old Multi-Millionaire Goes Rogue And Reveals His Secret "Online Income System" Just To Prove Anyone Can Make Their First $1,000 Online With It.


Lock-in access at the discounted price before it goes up


Lock-in access at the discounted price before it goes up

no startup capital required

From the desk of Iman Gadzhi
The Palm Jumeirah, Dubai
February 2024

Dear aspiring online entrepreneur,

If you want to work your way up to the top 10%...

Even if you've never made any money online before…

And, do so in record time, without having to invest any money upfront or have any previous business experience…

Then this will be the most important program you'll ever watch.

Here’s why:

My name is Iman Gadzhi and a few years ago I had nothing.

I was living with my single mom and we were surviving off of government benefits…

I had just jumped into the online business world, with a dream to make it big online to get us out of that situation.

I was 16 and had no one to guide me…

It was also at that time that I decided to drop out of high school.

I basically had all the odds stacked against me. 

I went on to spend months trying to find the perfect online business model…

Sales funnels.


Affiliate marketing.

Online apps.

You name it…

I've tried them all, to no avail.

All I'd do was spend 12 to 16h every single day bumping my head against the wall trying to make this "online business" thing work…

Only to get hit with a different blow every time.

It was like that for long months…

Until I made a small yet extremely effective change to my approach…

Fast Forward to today...

I'm the founder of a multitude of businesses.

A few of them you might know:

  • Educate, an online education platform
  • A few software companies
  • My own ecom brand, Gadzhi
  • And a top affiliate for a few of the most popular affiliate offers online.

Just to name a few.

All of that to say:

When it comes to making money online…

I've got it down.

I have tried - and succeeded - with every online opportunity under the sun.

I know exactly what works and what DOESN'T

Most importantly:

I know exactly what is working TODAY.

And right now, I'm looking for a select group of young individuals who aspire to create an online income and make their first $1,000 over the next few weeks……

...To share the exact same secrets I've used to make my first million online.

The Secrets I Used To Go From High-School Dropout To Online Multi-Millionaire...

Now, you may ask:

What took me from a high school dropout to one of the most successful entrepreneurs in the world in my age range?


Throughout my entrepreneurial journey, I've discovered something

You see…

During the last few years, a lot of people have tried to replicate my steps.

  • They have tried to work with clients
  • They have tried to start an agency
  • They have tried to create content for YouTube
  • They have tried to build software companies
  • They have tried to sell online programs
  • They have tried to go viral on TikTok

But, at the end of the day…

There are only a handful of 23-year-olds out there with a multi-8-figure net worth.

And I'm not talking about one specific person here…

I'm talking about tens of thousands of people trying to replicate my exact steps.

Now, the question is:

What is the difference between the ones that do achieve success like me…

And the ones who do not?

If they're all doing the exact same thing as I did, why do only very few of them succeed?


And what I've discovered is this:

Most people think that they're not succeeding because there's some sort of "secret information" they haven't yet discovered

Something that they don't know yet that, when they discover it...

...will lead them to success.

And they think that the lack of such "knowledge" is why they haven't succeeded.

Maybe you believe that yourself.

Now, the reality is:

That couldn't be further from the truth

For most of you, the reason you're not succeeding is not because of what you're NOT doing

But because of what you ARE doing.

You see…

Most things that you ARE doing are keeping you stuck where you're currently at. 

And the truth is:

You're not at in top 10% because you're doing things that keep you at the bottom.

And that's extremely dangerous…


Because you keep doing the things that you THINK are moving you forward…

When in reality they're only moving you further and further away from your goals.

And the more you do them…

The further away you get.

Which means:

You need to address those actions as soon as possible.

Because the more you wait, the harder it will be to fix them. 

And that's why I created Digital Launchpad...


Helping you unf*ck your life by showing you what not to do... And then giving you 3 paths to make your first $1,000 online in record time.

First, you'll get my crash-course on "How To Unf*ck Your Life"

Here's just a mere fraction of the golden nuggets you'll discover inside of it…

  • The 5 things that are keeping you stuck in the bottom 90%, that you're most likely doing every single day. — 2:10 of Module 1
  • The most important "counter-intuitive" 7-minute exercise you can do today to achieve success (This is the exact opposite of what all the Self-Help 'Gurus' tell you to do) — 4:50 of Module 1
  • The 5 steps Iman Gadzhi takes to ensure a successful career long-term. These are my own personal answers for the same exercise you'll go through with me — 10:45 of Module 1
  • How to guarantee FAILURE in life. These are the exact actions you should take to be 100% sure you will fail — 14:30 of Module 1
  • Iman's best and most honest advice for you to succeed in life. It goes against all you've ever been told online — 16:40 of Module 1
  • The #1 mistake you must avoid at all costs as a beginner. Make this mistake, and you'll fail AND burn all your savings — 19:30 of Module 1
  • What business models to avoid as a beginner. The likelihood of you succeeding with these is close to none — 22:00 of Module 1
  • How to pick the best career path for your specific personality type. This is how you play to your strengths vs your weaknesses — 24:00 of Module 1
  • The 1 action that ALL of our students that get to $10,000/month take that the others don't. If you want to get there too, this is something you must do — 26:00 of Module 1

All of this just in Module 1…

Out of the 23 modules you get inside Digital Launchpad. 

With it, you'll finally have a clear-cut path to cutting through the noise and getting what you want in life: 

Money, status, relationships.

The bottom line is:

Digital Launchpad is your toolkit to work your way up to the top 10% and make your first $1,000 online

...In record time.


You'll get redirected to our student platform to complete your checkout.

THEN, I'm GIVING YOU THE 3 BEST PATHS to make your first $1,000 Online... Completely free.

As the old saying goes…

"There's a million ways to make a million dollars".

And anyone that tells you there's only one way is flat out lying.

But, there's a catch.

A catch that no one ever talks about...

There are indeed a million ways to make a million dollars.

But only a few will work for YOU.

That's why Inside Digital Launchpad I'll first help you to unf*ck your life…

And then, I'll show you the 3 best methods to make your first $1,000 online.


I'm giving you 3 full-blown programs worth $1,500 each:

Each one of these programs is from 8h to 20h long.

And for every single one of those programs, you're going to be learning from someone who has made millions with that specific method.

  • For Copywriting, you'll get Pen To Profit, from my own CMO, Luis Berger.

    There, you'll learn how to write emails, ads and sales copy that clients pay thousands of dollars for.

    All of it using AI and proven fill-in-the-blank copywriting structures that Luis will share with you.
  • For Organic Ecommerce, we just finished recording a brand-new program by my good friend Jordan Welch.

    Inside of it, he teaches you how to put together a Shopify store from scratch and optimize the right details to ensure you get as many sales as possible.

    Then, he's going to show you exactly how to get your first $1,000 sales organically. You'll literally see him live building a store from scratch and getting sales from it during the program.
  • For sales, you'll get 6-Figure Sales Rep, from my sales manager Paul Daley.

    There, you'll learn how to get good at sales in record time so you can make your first $1,000 as an appointment setter or online sales rep.

And I'm giving them to you… Completely FREE.

Now, this is not all.

There's MORE...


Here's what you need to understand:

Making your first $1,000 online is not a sprint…

It's a marathon. 

That's why Digital Launchpad is broken down into months.

You see…

It becomes so much easier to make your first $1,000 once you have the right guidance.

All you need is:

  • To have the right guidance...
  • To execute the right actions...
  • And then, succeed.

It is as simple as that…

The problem is:

For some people, it might take 2 weeks to achieve such success…

For others, it might take 3 months.

That's why you need continuous guidance.

One thing is for sure:

You'll face roadblocks along the way.

And, most likely, you won't know how to handle them, since you've never experienced it before.

So when you encounter those roadblocks, it is essential that you have the right guidance.

Someone who will show you the way…

…And tell you what to execute.

And that's why...

I made Digital Launchpad a continuous monthly subscription.

For you to have continuous guidance until you reach the ultimate goal of the program:

Making your first $1,000 online.

And it doesn't matter if it takes 1 week or 3 months…

You'll have our support the entire way through.

Here's the thing:

I've built Digital Launchpad, not for it to be a program that you watch once, and you're done…

But to be a platform that you keep going back to whenever you face a roadblock…

…Until you make your first $1,000.

And we don't stop until you get there.


HERE'S WHAT YOU GET INSIDE digital launchpad...


$4,500+ Programs

Inside of Digital Launchpad, you'll get instant access to $4,500+ worth of online programs.


Unlockable Rewards

As you level up, you're able to unlock $10,000s in exclusive programs, live calls, and rewards.


Level Upgrades

Get a new title to showcase in the student community for every monthly level upgrade you get.
THE BReakdown

HERE'S ThE BONUSES YOU GET WITH digital launchpad...

The Launchpad (Sells for $500)

This is Iman Gadzhi's introductory program to Digital Launchpad. Before getting into any of the business models, in these initial modules, Iman will teach you how to prepare yourself for success and get rid of the habits that keep you stuck. This is essentially a crash-course on "How To Unf*ck Your Life".

6-Figure Sales Rep (Sells for $1,500)

Inside of Six-Figure Sales Rep, Paul Daley will teach you how to make 6-figures without having to start a business, by becoming a Remote Sales Rep for companies that sell high-ticket products/services online.

Pen To Profit (Sells for $1,500)

Inside Pen To Profit, my own CMO, Luis, will teach you how to print money by writing texts that make people take action… Even if you suck at writing. Imagine getting paid for every single email that you write. For every single text that you send. All of it using AI and proven fill-in-the-blank structures that Luis shares with you.

The Winning Store (Sells for $1,500)

Inside The Winning Store, Jordan Welch, #1 Ecom influencer, will teach you how to put together a Shopify store from scratch and scale it to $1,000 in the shortest timeframe possible. You'll see him building a store live from scratch and getting his first sales in the program.

Exclusive Community

Inside our exclusive mastermind community you'll meet students walking alongside you, starting at the same time as you, so you can walk this path together. You'll find students ahead of you on their journey who can show you the way, all sharing their experiences in the same place, and helping each other with their questions and challenges.

Constant Program Releases

Digital Launchpad is not a one and done program. We'll be updating it and adding new programs multiple times a year, showing you the hottest new opportunities online, so that you always have new and up-to-date methods to make your first $1,000.

Access to 8-Figure Network

(Unlocks on your 2nd month inside)

Every single month, we host LIVE Calls with people from my own Network. Imagine being on the same call as 8 and 9-figure serial entrepreneurs. If you think about it, each one of them has made a $1,000 dozens of thousands of times. So they know a thing or two about making money. And one simple advice from them can take you from literally nothing to your first $1,000 (and much more, honestly) in weeks.

Monthly Call w/ Iman Gadzhi

(Unlocks on your 4th month inside)

Get access to a Monthly Coaching Call with me inside the Digital Launchpad community. There you can ask me any questions and I'll answer them LIVE. With it, you can be mentored directly by me. This is one of our biggest bonuses.

In-Person Events w/ Iman

(Unlocks on your 12th month inside)

I'll be hosting meet-ups with Digital Launchpad students everywhere I travel to- and only Kings will be allowed to attend those. This way you get to connect with me and other kings in person, in real life.

Digital Launchpad Mobile App

To give you the ultimate Netflix-like experience, we have developed a custom app from scratch for you to be able to access the Educate platform and watch all the programs from wherever you want directly from your phone. Gone are the days when you needed a computer in order to learn a high-income skill and launch your high-income career.

beta launch discount

Lock-in access at the discounted price before official launch

By joining with the monthly plan, you start as an Apprentice and unlock content monthly. When joining with the yearly plan, you already join as a King and unlock instant access to all rewards you'd have gotten in the first 12 months.

 From $100  
Only $37
SAVE 40% compared to monthly

THE Yearly plan

When joining with the yearly plan, you save 40% compared to Monthly AND you already join as a King, unlocking instant access to all the rewards you'd have gotten in the first 12 months.

 From $1,200  
Only $270
unlock content ALONG THE WAY


I've built Digital Launchpad, not for it to be a program that you watch once, and you're done… But to be a platform that you keep going back to until you make your first $1,000.

And we don't stop until you get there.

That's why I introduced LEVELS to Digital Launchpad.

As you spend more time inside the program, you'll level up and unlock exclusive content and rewards.

You start off as an Apprentice...

These are the programs you unlock straight away when joining Digital Launchpad, as well as the community. That's where you're going to get guidance from coaches, as well as from other students who are further ahead of you in their journey.
Get Access To My 8-Figure Network

In your 2nd Month, you'll get access to my own network. Every single month, we'll host LIVE Calls with people from my Network. Imagine being on the same call as 8 and 9-figure serial entrepreneurs. If you think about it, each one of them has made a $1,000 dozens of thousands of times. So they know a thing or two about making money, and can help you get there too.
Master All Areas of Your Life: Health, Looks, Relationships...

On your 3rd month, you get a pack of unreleased lifestyle programs so that you can master all areas of your life-health, relationships, looks etc. You'll get the Detox 101 program straight from my own Detox coach, as well as The Perfect Fit where you'll learn how to dress like a real gentleman with my own personal tailor inside, and MORE...
Join a Monthly LIVE Call with ME

As a Lord, you're going to get access to a Monthly LIVE Call with me inside the Digital Launchpad community. There you can ask me any questions and I'll answer them LIVE. With it, you can be mentored directly by me. This is one of our biggest bonuses.
Unlock Secret Channels to chat w/ Millionaire Mentors

Unlock secret channels inside the community where you can talk directly to each one of the Millionaire Mentors that teach the program you get inside Digital Launchpad. This way, you can get your questions answered directly by them in the community.
Unlock the ultimate Digital Launchpad Edition
We'll be adding new programs multiple times a year, so that you always have new and up-to-date methods to make your first $1,000. As a KING, you get access to them before everyone else, so you can be the first one to implement the new methods.

Not only that, but I'll be hosting meet-ups with Digital Launchpad students everywhere I travel to- and only Kings will be allowed to attend those. This way you get to connect with me and other kings in person.
Become an Emperor

As an Emperor, you get access to exclusive and unreleased content that cannot be promoted publicly due to the high level of secrecy of such contents.

Lock-in access at the discounted price before it goes up

If you haven't YET found success, it's not your fault…

Look, I genuinely empathize with you.

You're not where you want to be in life…

And it is NOT your fault.

Because here's the thing:

You go on YouTube and one person is telling you to do X…

Then, you watch another video telling you to do Y instead, because X doesn't actually work…

And then the next video, someone else tells you the exact opposite. 

They all give you conflicting advice.

One person says that dropshipping is the way to go.

The other person is telling you that trading is the secret opportunity that you're missing… 

And at the end…

You're left more confused than when you first started. 

The truth is:

All you need is to have one person talk honestly to you.

And here's the thing:

Inside of Digital Launchpad, I can be completely honest with you as to what works and what doesn't.

HERE'S WHAT you need to do...

STOP WASTING YOUr time consuming useless content

Here's what you need to understand:

  • You don't need to watch another Iman Gadzhi YouTube video…
  • You don't need to watch another Diary of a CEO podcast…
  • You don't need to spend 30 mins a day watching motivational TikToks.

What you need is one thing and one thing only:

To stop being a self-help junkie.


All of these types of content are great...

...As long as you view them for what they are:


But if you want to succeed, you need to stop mindlessly consuming content...

And start turning the content you consume into actionable steps in your life.

That's why...

This program is quick to consume and wastes no time. It goes straight for the jugular.

No filler or fluff.

Just hard-hitting actionable strategies you can use RIGHT AWAY to create an online income from scratch in the least amount of time possible.

In most cases, in less than 6 weeks…

However, once you apply this system…

You'll probably want to spend as much time as humanly possible on this…

And I'll explain why in the program.

Just know this…

This isn’t some program filled with hour-long outdated content that you can find for free on YouTube...


You're not going to have to spend months just to watch all the content of this program…

This is different.

It includes the easiest & quickest-to-apply, most proven, and battle-tested tactics…

For immediately starting to make your first dollars online, quicker than anyone could ever imagine possible.

This is the stuff that’s working right now in 2024.

Why Am I Offering You Such Opportunity For So Cheap?

Here's the thing…

The more people you help, the more money you make.

And since I want to make a lot of money with Educate…

I need to help a lot of people.

That's why Inside of Digital Launchpad you're going to get content more valuable than most people have inside their $2,000 programs.

The truth is:

I have one of the largest audiences in the online space…

And throughout my entire career I've focused on helping a very small fraction of this audience with my paid programs.

And I did that on purpose.

Because I take pride on my programs holding the record for the best student results in the industry.

And if I want to keep this record...

I need to work with people that I know I can help.

That's why my flagship program, Agency Accelerator, is priced at $2,000.

Because, realistically, if you haven't made your first $2,000- you'll struggle to go all the way from 0 to $10,000/month.

And to be completely transparent with you…

Agency Acceleratorr is where I really make money with Educate.

So if my objective is to make the most money…

I need to get as many people as possible to be able to afford these $2,000.

And I know that for the vast majority of my audience, that price is beyond reach.

And that's why I created Digital Launchpad.

Here's the deal:

I don't want to make ANY money with this program.

I just want this to be accessible to EVERYONE…

So that as many people as possible can make their first $1,000 online and be able to afford Agency Accelerator.

That's my secret motive behind Digital Launchpad.


You'll get redirected to our student platform to complete your checkout.

frequently asked questions

Get Your questions answered

What is Digital Launchpad?

Digital Launchpad is a monthly subscription product that gives you access to multiple programs from different online influencers, including Iman Gadzhi himself. You'll get instant access to 4 programs: The Launchpad by Iman, The Winning Store by Jordan Welch, Pen To Profit by Luis Berger, and 6-Figure Sales Rep by Paul Daley, as well as the student community.

New programs get added regularly, multiple times a year, so that you always have the newest methods to make your first $1,000 online.

Then, every month that you spend inside you'll unlock exclusive rewards and unreleased content, this way there's always new content for you to go through.

How long will I have access to Digital Launchpad

Digital Launchpad is a monthly subscription, so you'll always have access to it for 30 days after your last payment- and your subscription automatically renews after 30 days. As long as you keep paying, you'll have continuous access to it. You can cancel your membership at any time. If you decide to join with the Yearly Plan, you'll have 12-month access to the platform.

How can I unlock blocked content and the rewards?

Digital Launchpad has a Levelling system that gives you access to new content & rewards as you level up. That includes new programs, LIVE calls, in-person meet-ups, premium channels in the community, etc. Your level is based on the time you've been inside Digital Launchpad for.

You start off as an Apprentice. After your first month inside, you get promoted to Craftsman. After your 2nd month inside, you become a Diplomat. After your 3rd month inside, you become a Lord. After your 5th month inside, you become a Prince. After your 11th month inside, you become a King. Finally, after your 23rd month inside, you become an Emperor.

Are there going to be new program releases?

Yes. The gallery of programs inside Digital Launchpad is ever-growing, and we'll be releasing new programs inside multiple times a year so that you always have access to new & updated content, showing you the newest methods to make your first $1,000 that are working right now.

How does the levelling system work?

Your level is based on the time you've been inside Digital Launchpad for.

You start off as an Apprentice. After your first month inside, you get promoted to Craftsman. After your 2nd month inside, you become a Diplomat. After your 3rd month inside, you become a Lord. After your 5th month inside, you become a Prince. After your 11th month inside, you become a King. Finally, after your 23rd month inside, you become an Emperor.

Is there away to unlock all the rewards without having to wait for 12 months?

Yes. When choosing the yearly plan, you'll join as a King straight away and get instant access to all the unlockable rewards for the first 12 months of the program.

Can I join as a King straight away?

Yes. When choosing the yearly plan, you'll join as a King straight away and get instant access to all the unlockable rewards for the first 12 months of the program.

Do I need past experience or results?

Not at all. Digital Launchpad will provide you all the information you need in order to make your first $1,000 online. It doesn’t matter if you’re starting off today or if you don’t know anything about the internet market.

I’m still in college. Does it work for me?

Yes. As long as you have a computer and access to the internet, you have everything you need to start making money.

Do I need to pay every month?

Yes, Digital Launchpad is a monthly subscription. When joining with the Monthly plan, you need to pay $37/month to keep access to all the content provided inside- just like a Netflix subscription. You can cancel your subscription at any time.

If you choose to join with the yearly plan, you'll be billed once a year.

Can I cancel my subscription at any time?

Yes, when joining with the monthly plan, you're committing to a monthly subscription. If at any time you want to cancel it, you may cancel and you won't be billed for your next renewal. You'll keep access to the platform for the remaining days of your active plan.

How does the 72-hour guarantee work?

We offer a 72-hour money-back guarantee meaning you have up to 72 hours to get a full refund on your purchase price.

The guarantee applies regardless of whether you’ve taken advantage of our offerings or not.

To request a refund simply email us at [email protected]

Is the content live or recorded?

Digital Launchpad is a hybrid teaching platform. We believe that students need to be in constant repetition and follow-up to be able to evolve. Therefore, we will always provide new recorded programs with Hollywood level production accompanied by monthly LIVE calls inside the student community.

When does new programs get released?

New programs get released multiple times a year, an we'll add a countdown inside the platform whenever a new program is about to drop to let you know about it.

What if I get stuck throughout the course?

Whatever questions you may have our team is here to assist you. You can get in contact with our support team on [email protected]